Virginia Church earns $7,000 in one weekend

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Virginia Beach United Methodist Church owns a 50+ space parking lot near the beach.  In the past the church had sold some parking using lot attendants.  However, from managing staffing, handling customer service, and calling tow trucks on illegal parkers, it was becoming a large burden.  The leadership team needed a way to manage their lot that would require no effort on their part. 

The question became how can VBUMC collect payments and enforce against illegal parkers without any dedicated staff on-site? 

Solution: Signs were installed in the VBUMC parking lot directing the public to pay with the ParkPoolr app.

VBUMC retains full control over the usage of their lot with the Client Dashboard. They can edit the availability of their lot for church events, track their parking revenue, and change pricing.

In the first weekend using ParkPoolr, the church earned over $7,000 in passive income without any on-sight staff.

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