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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ParkPoolr?
  • ParkPoolr is an online parking management company that handles payment processing, customer support, advertising, and enforcement for property owners and landlords across the country
How does ParkPoolr enforce parking?
  • ParkPoolr uses a license plate scanning app and cameras to patrol your lot.
How does ParkPoolr make money?
  • ParkPoolr operates on a simple 30/70 revenue share model. For larger commercial clients and white label solutions, we operate on a per transaction fee basis.
How can visitors/tenants park for free?
  • Visitor or tenants can text in a validation code to register for free parking. You can approve validation requests and set the validation period to any time.
Where does ParkPoolr operate?
  • ParkPoolr is currently in over 10 states, but we can operate anywhere.
Why is ParkPoolr the best operator?
  • ParkPoolr is a parking technology company and a parking operator all in one. Since we don’t pay any third party technology costs, we pass these savings onto you.

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